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A new day for psychedelic research

  • Season: Season 3
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  • Featuring: Sean Collins, Ira Byock M.D. FAAHPM, & Bill Richards Ph.D.

The therapeutic use of psychedelics Dr. Bill Richards has been researching the therapeutic uses of psychedelic substances for 60 years and he believes there's a legitimate role for them in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and interpersonal withdrawal. He believes these substances behave in a novel way among psychiatric medications: it's the memory of an experience that's therapeutic and that you carry with you. You don't have to keep taking medication every day to have the effect. You experience something so profound, that it changes your whole concept of who you are.

Dr. Bill Richards has been researching the therapeutic uses of psychedelic substances for 60 years and he believes there's a legitimate role for them in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and interpersonal withdrawal. He believes these substances behave in a novel way among psychiatric medications: it's the memory of an experience that's therapeutic and that you carry with you. You don't have to keep taking medication every day to have the effect. You experience something so profound, that it changes your whole concept of who you are.

William Richards Ph.D.

Research Psychologist

Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research

Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, Md.

author: Sacred Knowledge: Psychedelics and Religious Experiences


Ira Byock, M.D., FAAHPM

Founder/Senior Vice President for Strategic Innovation

Providence Institute for Human Caring

Missoula, Mont.

author: The Four Things That Matter Most and The Best Care Possible




For information on the June 16th online event, Remote Palliative Care: A telehealth roadmap to reaching rural communities, visit this link. Registration is now open.


  • Ira Byock MD
  • Bill Richards PhD
  • Seán Collins


  • lsd
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • psilocybin
  • psychedelics